Black Magic 5072647 Tire Wet Gel, 16 Oz

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This weather and rinse-resistant formula keeps your tires looking black and glossy for weeks, not days, providing long-lasting intensity.
SKU: 42993749
MFG: 5072647
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Black Magic Tire Wet Gel makes tires look wet, black, and glossy, utilizing an advanced silicone formula to last longer and shine brighter than other products on the market. This weather and rinse-resistant formula keeps your tires looking black and glossy for weeks, not days, providing long-lasting intensity. The self-healing formula also has a scuff defense, automatically filling in small scuffs and maintaining a smooth, black shine. The thick clinging formula adheres to tires to produce minimal sling, and the residue-free shine leaves behind no white powdery residue.


  • Size: 16 Oz
  • Gel Formula
  • Weather and rinse resistant shine for long-lasting intensity
  • Thick formula adheres to tire for minimal sling
  • Self-healing formula provides defense against scuffs
  • Leaves behind no white powdery residue, just pure, wet shine
  • Weather and rinse-resistant formula lasts for weeks, not days
  • Advanced silicone formula lasts longer and shines brighter for a wet, black, glossy look


MFR: 5072647
SKU: 42993749
UPC: 077249974942
Brand: Black Magic